Sunday, November 25, 2001

polarREL: hey, can't talk doing human genome project
Punkyelhsa: What?! A human gnome project?!
polarREL: yes
Punkyelhsa: what's that?
polarREL: biology thingie that i missed on Wed. so i have to do it now
polarREL: =P
Punkyelhsa: You're studying gnomes? In science?
polarREL: genomes
polarREL: not gnomes
Punkyelhsa: what's the difference?
polarREL: lol
Punkyelhsa: no seriously, what's the difference?
polarREL: one is a statue in your garden and one is a cell thing
Punkyelhsa: ohhhhh!!
polarREL: lol
Punkyelhsa: what if there was a staue of a cell in your garden?
polarREL: yea...
Punkyelhsa: what would that be called?
polarREL: a cell statue??
Punkyelhsa: yes
Punkyelhsa: thanks for clearing that one up


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