This boy. I love him.
He's part of my family.
I always wanted a ridiculous beautiful passionate intelligent love. One I would save with my beauty and he'd love me back to health. All kinds of museums and exotic foods and beautiful love letters.
But we fight like brother and sister and he's a man's man who likes football and slapstick comedy. I'm fully open to him. I guess that we've lost the romance, years before we'd ever get married.
Sometimes that breaks my heart. I'll never have a monumental courtship time. our honeymoon is already over, before we've even decided we want one. I asked him if he wanted to save the world and he said Not Particularly.
But then he told me
he wanted to Plant Trees.
and he holds my face when I kiss him and tells me I'm the most beautiful woman he knows. and he bought me flowers for no reason other than he knows i like lilies. and he's kind. not poetically, he expects it-and that's real poetry.
mommas raising babies to be good men and kind women.
families growing up together and all kinds of summertime antics and wintertime traditions.
woods and streams and family vacations
and finally making the connection.
maybe i'm just a downhomefolksynobody that doesn't know anything.
but i don't think so.
because everybody grows up.
not everybody goes to the the theatre.