Wednesday, May 24, 2006

i guess that's it

all i've done since i came home is play mom and be domestic. lots of cooking, cleaning, and chauffeuring punctuated by late nights at the diner and evenings spent in front of the tv with my family and that special someone.

it's been ten days since my last post, and it already seems like it's been a month here. i think that's good.

i do need new music though. send me recommendations. right now i'm listening to the magnetic fields and the life aquatic soundtrack. and mirah. always mirah.

oh yeah! i'm a nanny!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


i was going to write a sort of commemorative post for this school year ending and my first year of college being over.
i was going to write about what i've learned, the people i've met, what i liked and didn't like.
i was going to tell the world about one of the most exciting and important years of my eloquently worded life.
but this is really all i've got:

the dude abides.

Monday, May 08, 2006

a summertime list of what i love

rita's mango ice
eating carman's ice cream in the car
driving with the windows down
making clothes with flowers and birds on them
hanging out with little kids every day
long phone calls with my good friend christa
barbeques on our porch with the gordys
sam lewis park
day trips
belly laughs
my nineteenth birthday
flip flop tan lines on my feet
joyriding in myrtle beach
running into the ocean
maybe cutting my hair all off
going on real dates
drinking sugar water at the diner
long kisses goodbye outside my door
bike rides