Oh gracious.
The wedding was amazing, to say the least. However, it seems like the joining of 16 people instead of the usual two. I adore my new family [and old one, bien sur]. We got snowed in on Sunday. Mother Nature decided that the Ostlund-Woodward-Harkness clan should stay together as long as possible, and we did. I didn't change clothes for 4 days straight, but forced myself to this morning because the smell was getting overwhelming. We spent our time making up new games [Maren's favorite is closing and opening my mouth. hours of amusement]
I think I might be comming closer and closer to jumping off the edge and falling headfirst into love. I'm taking my big sister's advice [I HAVE A BIG SISTER!!!] and enjoying where we are right now without analyzing and nitpicking at what I'm feeling. And I think that's awfully wise.
Life's good right now. I am related to 10 new amazing people that I adore, and my big sister is one of the most amazing indviduals I've ever ever met. Christa is enamored of her as well, so if you doubt me, ask her. =)
Hey, guess what.
I love you.